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Stoats & Ferrets

  • DOC 200 SS Kill Trap Single (Set box with Doc 200 trap)
    DOC 200 SS Kill Trap Single (Set box with Doc 200 trap)

    This was developed in conjunction with Department of Conservation, and has passed the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee (NAWAC) guidelines for use as a humane kill trap. Relatively safe and easy to set, these are designed to catch and kill stoats, rats and hedgehogs. For current best practice tunnel designs.

    Dimensions:  Height: 182mm Width: 128mm Length: 180mm

    Weight: 1500g -  Spring off weight ex factory: < 80g

    Clamp pressure: 7Kg approx

    Set pressure: 11Kg approx

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  • DOC 250 Kill Trap Single (set box with Doc 250 trap- SS)
    DOC 250 Kill Trap Single (set box with Doc 250 trap- SS)
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  • KBL Tunnel Trap
    KBL Tunnel Trap
    Designed to attract and kill ferrets and stoats. Fresh meat such as possum, rabbits or poultry (including liver or entrails) should be used as bait. Smoked fish or Smoked Salmon Ferret Lure also works well and lasts a number of days, as do chicken heads. The small access hole in the front of the trap will stop cats and dogs from entering.
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