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  •   Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:00




How Much Water Do I Lose?                       

Evaporation is normally the single largest cause of water loss. Every square metre of water surface can lose up to 10 litres of evaporation every day in the warmer months.
Even from a small area of 1,000 square metres, this is equivalent to 10,000 litres each day.

A 100-hectare area loses 10 megalitres per day!

The chemical components of WaterGuard are extremely safe, and are used in many food and pharmaceutical applications. It has a high degree of safety to aquatic and terrestrial life, including stock and human consumption if used on drinking reservoirs.

Waterguard is an inert polymer which spreads over water surfaces to limit evaporation
It has no detrimental effects on the environment or water quality and doesn’t inhibit usage for irrigation, stock or human consumption.

During dry periods or droughts, it limits water loss from uncovered stored water resulting in water/ cost savings.

WaterGuard can be used on water storages of any size.


These are some key points to note:             

On calm days, WaterGuard can be applied from any location around the perimeter of a water body and it will spread across the surface.

On windy days, it will spread more rapidly if applied from a location with the prevailing wind behind it
Even if it is applied into the prevailing wind, it will spread across the surface when the wind dies down (usually overnight)

Once the film has covered the surface, it will move around if subjected to windy weather. There may be some minor build-up at the downwind end in very windy weather, but the build-up will disperse when the wind eases.


Farm Dams Up to 1 Hectare

WaterGuard can be simply poured on to the surface, usually by just walking along a length of the dam while pouring. Note that it does not need to be applied around the full perimeter, though. For very small dams, it can be applied at a single point.

Storages Up To 25 Hectares

WaterGuard can be applied from several points along the edge of the water storage. As with smaller water bodies, it should be applied from locations along the edge such that the prevailing wind will assist it to spread.


WaterGuard can be also applied from a suitable boat (eg a small barge). In this case, we recommend that the product is applied at points on a grid about 200 metres apart. However the product will self-spread across the surface, so the level of precision does not need to be high in mapping out the locations. In addition, there is no need to apply the product with specialised spray equipment – it can simply be poured over the side.

Application Rates

Regardless of the depth of the water, we recommend an application rate of 15 litres per hectare of surface area (1.5 litres per 1,000 sq metres) every 3 weeks during the warmer months.
Exceptionally hot conditions may benefit from a higher application rate.





Directions for use:

WaterGuard can be applied by simply pouring it directly from the drum onto the water. It will spread rapidly across the surface.

We recommend that WaterGuard is applied on the upwind side of the dam to assist with spreading. It will still cover the surface if applied against the wind, but at a slower rate. Strong winds can disturb the surface of the film, but it will re-form when the wind drops.

For larger water storages, WaterGuard can be applied from a boat. For storages larger than 20 hectares, aerial application is recommended.

Once the film is in place, it is very resistant to any disturbances. It will move around slowly over the surface but will not build up for an extended period at one end of the water body.

Re-apply WaterGuard every 3 Weeks.